
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Home Inspo: Kitchen

Happy Sunny Tuesday!

I hope you are all safe and well as the lockdown begins to lift.

I am still overly excited about my house move, and everything (though slowly) is ticking along nicely for us.

I think about the kitchen for around 50% of my day - what we need, what we might miss, where will everything go?? It's the room that I fell in love with when looking at the house - it has gorgeous red subway tiles which are so eye catching. (I never thought I'd be a fan, but here we are!) I can't wait for our first time cooking and hanging out in the space. 

We have a pretty good idea with what we want to do the the kitchen. Very little really. I know I will get black appliances for the room, including microwave, kettle etc. The kitchen will have black/white/red colours, so not to muddle the eyes with a rainbow. (II mean, that wouldn't be too bad as rainbows are so amazing!)

On Pinterest, I am looking at so many space saving techniques. I want to be super savvy with the storage we will have. I am an organised nut, so the thought of sorting the pots and pans makes me so excited!

My kitchen inspiration on Pinterest has a theme of rustic farmhouse with contemporary elements. Then I have plenty of Nifty Ideas in a separate folder for the kitchen which has lots of hacks and ideas - I can't wait to put some into action!

I'm continuously looking on websites for decor ideas too. Let me know your favourite small businesses to check out!

Also CLICK HERE to follow me on Pinterest.

Stay safe, speak soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

DIY - Chair Part 1

Hi angels, I hope you are all well and you are enjoying the sunshine we keep having.

A couple of weeks ago when the sun first started shining, I decided to finally go for it with my chair and sand off all the paint that was thickly laid on top.

This chair was in my dads first home so goodness knows how old it is and when the paint was done.

This was a long old slog but (with a little the help from the fam) I managed to get all the white/yellow/green/blue layers of paint off the chair and bring it back to it's wooden life.

Now there is still a bit of a way to go, it does still need sanding to a smoother finish and I need to decide how I want the finish to be. But I wanted to share the process with you so far as I'm so pleased with my hard work and perseverance to get the thick paint off.

Here are some pictures I took which show the progress of the removal of paint. I was so tired after all this but it did take me a few days!

The chair began with thick white paint and a few naughty stickers that my brother and I put on when we were younger.

Little did I know how thick the paint was and how many different colours were underneath! Luckily we had the tools and means to get this all off (eventually!)

I am so chuffed with the result so far! A bit more TLC in the future and varnish or paint, this chair will look a whole new item. I will also get a new fluffy cushion so I am super comfy.

Stay safe and speak soon,

Friday, May 8, 2020

May Flower Moon - Reflections

Happy Friday! I hope you are all well and enjoying this beautiful sunshine. (I may or may not have gotten slightly red!)

I made time yesterday to reflect on the past month and give gratitude to what has been.

I use Nikki Strange's Luna Diary as my planner, it gives me lovely prompts throughout the month for each phase of the moon cycle.

This Full Moon I am thankful for my health, in this time, where others have struggled.

I am grateful for the roof over my head and that soon I will have my own home.

I have been proud of my creativity in the last month and the improvement I have made.

I remain positive for the future and the powerful changes I am going to have.

I've loved the smell of the Spring trees, plants and flowers.

I've listened to folk music on Spotify to bring joy and peace into my days.

The crystals I gravitated towards during yesterday's moon were: - Fluorite, Golden Tiger's Eye and Amethyst. Together these influence my balance, self-confidence and focus.

My imagination is a powerful tool.
I use it to bring my manifestations to light. The blue sky and sunshine we keep having bring me joy and inspire me to be creative and bright.

I am grateful for my creativity, it brings me great peace and happiness. I let go of impatient feelings. I know all good things are to come.

I am good. I am positive.

What have you reflected in this Full Flower Moon? I'd love to know if you leave a comment.

Stay safe angels.

Speak Soon,

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

May Bullet Journal

Hi fairies,

I hope you are all well! Another weekend has gone by and we are all doing so great at quarantining.

I hope there is some sort of lift soon, and as long as it is safe to do so I will be so chuffed to be able to see my other half again.

At first when I did my May bujo set up, it was (I have to say) pretty bad, going back to the days where I just could not be bothered with the result. You can still see some of the tel poking through as I tried to cover it up.

I then went for a Spring red field flower still. Very sketchy but very bright to make me smile. I then did my habit tracker for thing that are achievable to me - Yoga, Meditation and Fresh Air. During lockdown and time inward I think these are great habits to keep up and not be too hard on myself.

I have also done a packed spread for my mood tracker. I thought by using these Erin Condren stickers I could write exactly how I felt that day in a word or two, rather than a face.

I'm pleased with the simplicity of this months spread, hopefully next month I will have more positive vibes and add them to my journal.

Keep safe everyone, take care.

Speak soon,

Friday, May 1, 2020


Happy May Day and happy Beltane to all of you out there!

Firstly, here's to a new month, a fresh start for us all and fingers crossed a few changes to help us get back to normality.

Today is the Wiccan festival Beltane.

Beltane is such a great festival to celebrate the pleasures in life. A coming together of both masculine and feminine energy, with an abundance of natural maturity and fertility. I'm still new to the Wiccan festivals but I enjoy them a great deal. This last week I have been reading a lot about Beltane and felt the strong energy with that beautiful sunshine in-between those rainy clouds.

Beltane is considered the great wedding of the Goddess and God, it is a fertility festival in the peak of Spring. (I feel the peak of Spring with this hay fever starting...)

This night of Beltane is considered one of three spirit nights in which, at dusk, fairies can be seen. Which I am super excited for as I am a sparkle fairy myself.

Beltane is a fire festival, translating in Celtic to "Bright Fire".

Many people light bonfires where they can, as a symbol of this Spring energy. Many believe it is good luck to jump over the bonfire for future marriage and fertility. The fire is a purifying symbol for what is to come.

If you fancy having a mini Beltane festival yourself but cannot light a bonfire in your area; I've read that you can print images of fires, and add red/orange crystals, ribbons and candles to your alter.

Let me know what you're doing for Beltane, I'd love to know!

I'm going to take it easy, by appreciating Spring and the magic of this beautiful season.

I hope you are all taking it easy and staying safe!

Take care and speak soon,