
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Hello 2020 !!

Holy Smokes.. what a gap it’s been in between posts.

I do get super into posting then go off on one weeks later. Does that happen to you? When I've got that surge of creativity I set myself for too much! I believe an audience enjoys content when it is stress free. (I do anyway!)

I’m not sure what’s gone on in the past few weeks but I’ve received a few follows on this little blog - thank you so much if you have! I do appreciate it. Really I do!

It was one of my intentions in 2020 to start up my content again. Both here, on YouTube and other sites I enjoy like Patreon. It’s not a resolution. I don’t believe they work for me.. I need to do things in my own time, as I’m sure many of you will agree. If I set myself small targets each month I will more than likely be able to achieve them.

I want to post different content on different pages. But keep the same running theme of love, magic and sparkle. That’s all I need in the world!

Welcome to my little corner! Let’s see how well I do this time with posting, ey! I’m not committing to anything; I’m not going to force anything as I know it will happen organically. That’s the easiest way! I'm going to brainstorm ideas and put time aside to be creative and do my own thing. I think that's super important.

I hope you all had fabulous New Years and 2020 has been kind to you so far - I know it has to me! This is the year of amazing changes for me, I'm so excited you wouldn't believe. I have set personal intentions to help me grow inside and out.

It's the Wolf Moon on Friday. I'm going to set time aside to review my intentions and reflect on the month so far. This Moon in Cancer encourages us to delve into plenty of self-care as well as looking after those around us. There's plenty of information out there if you want to take a read up on the Wolf Moon.

Take care you gorgeous souls.

Speak soon.

Love, George

(Some 2019 moments):