
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Crystal Collection #2

As my crystal collection is growing I want to let you know what I get.

To add to my quartz, I got some grounding crystals. Some that I can carry with me throughout the day.

These crystals do call out to me on a daily basis, to protect and clear negative energies.

I have kept reading about different crystals and these three seemed the perfect ones to get after my quartz trio.



Carnelian is fiery. It protects and enhances inner talents. Apparently, it is good for hay fever so I am going to carry this bad boy around all Summer! It removes bad tempers and negative thoughts, it can also cleanse other stones. I like to keep it nearby when working.

I was also drawn to Carnelian as, in the crystal book I refer to, it is a traditional birthstone for Virgo. Which is my birthday month.

I carry this stone around when it calls to me, and that is most days.



This stone brings sunshine into my life. It sparkles and looks like the sunrise.

This crystal improves confidence and self-image. When drawn to me in a morning I take this crystal to work to help my clarify thoughts and focus. Citrine enhances creativity and balances Yin and Yang.

This crystal does not need cleansing. But I do like to thank it for all it does.


Black Tourmaline

This is a crystal that I do seem to carry daily. I feel at ease when this crystal is by my side. I feel productive and yet grounded. 

Tourmaline protects and recharges. It brings luck and encourages positive attitudes. This crystal helps turn negative thoughts into positive energy, carrying around means ongoing protection throughout the day.

This is definitely a favourite of mine so far.


Disclaimer: I'm in no way an expert but as I learn I like to share my experience.

CLICK HERE to see which book I like to refer to regarding my crystals;

CLICK HERE to visit the website of the shop I bought them from.

Speak soon, love



Sunday, June 10, 2018

Change is Good, June New Moon

Isn't change great.

As the New Moon approaches I'm looking forward to thinking ahead and starting afresh.

Knowing what I want to change and why - I will link the moon to my dreams, hopes and thoughts.

Reading up on the moon cycles, I'm learning every day. I am appreciating the small things and I am excited for the future.

I know that the future I want will only happen if I concentrate and work hard towards my goals. Whether they be big or small, it is important to make goals to work towards. I am being selfish in my wants as it is the only way for me to make positive changes.


I want a space of my own.

I want to spend more time with friends.

I want to mediate often.

I want to make time and blog every week.


Though these are just a few wants of mine.

One key term of the New Moon phase is a clean slate and that is just what I am excited for. Something new and exciting.

However, this is my first New Moon in my path of spirituality.

I know I need to take things slowly. As I grow each month I will create different wishes that adapt to my lifestyle.

Going into this New Moon I will set myself three goals. I will make things that are small and achievable in the Moon of June.

I will keep reading and researching to be more aware of the Moons cycles and what they mean. I will also see how I can link to the Moon and mediate accordingly.


A bit of a ramble again here. I hope you are liking my posts so far.

Make a wish on the New Moon and help it come true.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Evening Affirmations

I found it difficult to choose affirmations.

I wanted to make sure they were right and realistic for me.

After going on Pinterest and Google I managed to find a few which I thought were perfect.


The three I chose for my evening affirmations are:

I choose peace;

I am grateful;

Tomorrow is a new day full of possibilities.


They are simple, they meant exactly what they say on the tin. They ground me and allow me to concentrate on the now.

With the first two I can add messages onto the end that may relate to the day, the week or the month. For example, I am grateful, for my family. I and grateful for the sun and nice weather. I am grateful for taking control and being me.

I am grateful for everything but sometimes it is just nice to focus on one thing before sleep.


I am trying to remember to say my affirmations daily before I sleep.

I look out of my window and say each one between deep breaths so I can concentrate on what I am saying. With each out breath I imagine any stresses or bad thoughts of the day leaving my body and with each in breath it calms me almost like I'm about to meditate.

It's lovely to reflect.


Enjoy your evenings. And look out for blog posts every Sunday with a few in-between.



Sunday, June 3, 2018

Crystal Collection #1

I have just began my own crystal collection. I thought hard about which ones to get first, after advice I got a few different quartz stones as they were said to be the best stones for beginners.

And aren't they just.

I was so attracted to the quartz when I first went into the shop anyway with their beautiful shapes and transparent colours.



I just had to start with quartz.

I mean, it is a stone of "universal healing" and I absolutely love that. Quartz is so powerful it's actually beautiful. I carry this crystal around with me to give me energy.

It's properties include bringing balance, harmony and love. Therefore carrying it around with my other quartz I find it amplifies their qualities.


Rose Quartz

I chose a few pieces of rose quartz, both shaped and natural. I thought they would be amazing to cleanse and pop around my room and most used spaces.

I carry this stone around with me a lot to enhance my self love, creativity and inner peace.

I love to meditate with a stone over my heart as rose quartz is best over the heart chakra. Also, I feel closer to it this way as I concentrate on my breathing and affirmations.

Other properties of this crystal include soothing the heart, making one more receptive to love, beauty and friendship.

Reducing stress and tension, removing negativity, clearing stored anger, jealousy etc.

This crystal is a great healer, therefore great for healers themselves.

Basically this crystal is love. It will help us find love in ourselves and others, open us to compassion and nurture.


Smoky Quartz

I was drawn to this tiny piece of smoky quartz.

Properties include protection form negative energies. It promotes creativity in business environments and enhances learning.

Lifting of worry and/ or depression its Chakra is at the root. Grounding us to the earth and what is important.

It will replace negative with positive and aids dream.

This crystal is great with meditation, and though I have not meditated enough to promote this, I have slept with it in my bed to calm and ground me to the earth.


Disclaimer: I'm in no way an expert but as I learn I like to share my experience.

CLICK HERE to see which book I like to refer to regarding my crystals;

CLICK HERE to visit the website of the shop I bought them from.

Speak soon, love


Monday, May 28, 2018

Waxing Gibbous Moon May

As I wrote in my journal I thought that these words were good enough to share..

I keep looking for the good in each day. It actually quite easy when people around me are so supportive.

The last few days have seen May's Waxing Gibbous moon. On Thursday the moon was 78% waxing gibbous in the UK. It was shining over me as I looked up into the sky with a beautiful aura around it.

It was there to show me to focus. Focus on me. Focus on my dreams.

The waxing gibbous moon is a time of observing and alining hopes. I thank the moon for coming out to me when it did and reminding me to aline my truest, deepest hopes and dreams.

I trust the moon will help me focus my intentions.

We are days away from entering a new moon phase. The Flower Moon.

Within this energy I will set my intentions and blossom as an individual.

I am strong.

I am independent.

"The flower moon is there to assist us in shedding our outer skin as a form of renewal." themoonlight

On Saturday, the waxing gibbous moon was at 90%.

As I gazed out of my window the moon was framed like a picture.

Looking deep into the moon I see strength.

I see positivity which shines out into space.

I hope that opportunity will arise and strength blossoms within me.

I can't wait for the full moon so that I can set fresh intentions for the next month.

The Flower Moon will guide me to blossom alongside it.


Monday, May 21, 2018

New Blog, New BuJo

Welcome back friends, I have a good ol' bullet journal post for you today.

I fell out of the journaling loop and I think that was because I put too much pressure on myself to make it look amazing like all the fab ones we see online.

Really bullet journalling is about the freedom of our own expression. Whether that be super creative or nice and simple, it's whatever works best for us as an individual.

I took a while finding the right layout when creating this time. Luckily, I took my time and now I have something that I will be happy to look at everyday. I will be using it more as a journal this time. Writing what I'm grateful for or how I feel that particular day.

I use a Moleskin squared journal for my diaries as I love the quality of pages and the size.

I'm not journalling anything monthly as I found that too much of a commitment to the month and anyway, I have my Erin Condren Life Planner for the day to day plans. 

My first page gets straight into my goals.

I set them into three parts for daily small goals, larger monthly goals and longer yearly goals that I want to achieve.

I think this makes goals less scary when they are put into different time periods.

Some things just can't be achieved in a month or a day. It would just be too overwhelming for me to make myself achieve too much in too little time.

I've also only given enough space for a few goals. If I want to add anything I shall write this in my journal throughout the year.

I then made a yearly habit tracker. This way I don't have to create one every month and I can see my progress altogether.

I've only set four habits as too many was unrealistic and I know that I take off my makeup daily, hydrate and have early nights.

I obviously started them from May so it meant I could fit all habits on one page which is so helpful.

I then have a page for my affirmations.

I want to say affirmations in the morning, or throughout the day, and before I go to bed when I reflect on the day.

I have been reading up on some different affirmations so I have a good idea on a few I want to include. Like my goals I don't want to have too many so I left space for a few different affirmations.

After this I have my moon phases and lunar calendar.

I have these so I can keep track of the moon's movements without having to keep googling dates. I only wrote brief descriptions of the moon's phases as I am going to continue to look into these as my spiritual journey grows.

I then have my blog ideas over two pages to give me plenty of space for ideas.

Finally, I have my log pages which should be the rest of the journal. I just want to write and enjoy the rest of the journal without any pressures of months certain pages. If I want to include any others I will do and that's the type of freedom I enjoy.

Well, a long first blog back ey! I hope you enjoyed and are looking forward to more from me.

Don't forget to follow my Instagram and Bloglovin' to keep up with everything I do!




Sunday, May 20, 2018

200th Post

Well I don't know about you but I am amazed that this would be my 200th post over here on GeorgeFeas.

I took a long break but I am ready and raring to go.

I have a new look going on.

I have drafted all my previous posts so that my slate here is clean and fresh for new content.

I have billions of ideas that I want to put in this new space.

I am about to start a new chapter in my life. Nothing amazing. I just decided it was going to be a new chapter.

Let's see how it goes ey.

