
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Darling by Rachel Edwards - a Review

Book Review

Darling - Rachel Edwards


Darling is a narrative between the title character 'Darling' and Lola, her step-daughter.  It shows both their points of view as they develop their strained relationship.

I'm conflicted with this book. On the one hand I absolutely loved it. The ending was one of the bests twists I've read and was not expecting, despite some hints in the narrative. But, I did have to get through a few pages to start enjoying the book.

I found the theme of race and miscommunication very interesting. I didn't purposefully buy this book with these themes in mind, however, it was a great narrative (though fiction) to help further my understanding. Especially with the current BLM movement that is ongoing - I am continually wanting to educate myself.

Darling addressed possible frustrations in a new family environment. The coming together of two very different families, different backgrounds and beliefs. Struggles any step-daughter and mother may face.

This novel was twisty and turny - I didn't know who to trust or believe!


I would recommend this book for the ending alone. It was an interesting insight into a potentially 'real' family in the UK and 'real' issues that may be faced.

The book also addresses health - both mental and physical. How people cope with an illness and how others want to care for those around them.

CLICK HERE for a link to buy Darling by Rachel Edwards.

Let me know what you thought of the book if you've read it!

Speak soon

Monday, July 6, 2020

July Buck Moon - Reflections

Hi angels,

I hope you are well and feeling amazing energy from the Buck Full Moon last night. I took a moment of reflection on the past 6 months and let go of what does not serve me.

As usual, I journal in Nikki Strange's Luna Diary as it gives me lovely prompts throughout the month for each phase of the moon cycle.

My main focus' of the year have been:

Converting my anxious feelings into excitement and positive emotions.

Understanding that not everything is under my control. Events take time to evolve.

I am so patient despite every change that has occurred in 2020.

I have been listening to lots of Podcasts on Spotify - a few I dabble in and out of are:

You're Dead to Me

You're Wrong About


I have continually used my imagination to make mood boards and find inspiration for my new home.

I use bright stickers and colours to journal and draw, reflecting my creative mood.

The rainbow colours of Pride - the joy and continual learning of past and present events.


Amethyst - Inner peace

Rose Quartz - Self-love

Tiger's Eye -  Optimism and Good Luck


I am strong. I am confident. I can adapt to change - no matter what that may be.


I am positive. I am relaxed.

What have you reflected in this Full Buck Moon? I'd love to know and share with you.

Stay safe and take care.

Speak Soon,

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July Bullet Journal

Hi friends!

I can’t believe it’s July already.. where has this year gone?! July is looking up for me with plenty of amazing things happening.

Here’s my July bullet journal spread - I changed it up a bit for the cover page. I used some black card and white pencils for a quick flower sketch. Not a 10/10 drawing but I’m pleased with the result I got with the red and white.

I then made a simple mood tracker spread and a scruffy looking habit tracker page. Scruffy but simple to use!

I also made a monthly calendar for July - again simple but I’m pretty chuffed with the results! I just used a black writing pen, yellow fine liner and yellow coloured pencil.

I love it! Nice and summery colours - yellow for inspiration and joy.

The planner I use for bullet journaling is the Leuchtturm 1917. I'd love to see what you have all done in your planners too!

I hope you are all safe and well!
Speak soon