
Sunday, June 28, 2020

City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert - a Review

Book Review

City of Girls - Elizabeth Gilbert


**A Sunday Times and New York Times Bestseller**

City of Girls follows the life of twenty year old Vivian as she enters the world of 1940's New York.

I was 100% swept into her life - I loved everything that I read. I wanted to party with the showgirls and go behind the scenes in small, rundown playhouses.

 The book discussed aspects WWII and USA's involvement in the war. (I guess as a young girl in NYC it wouldn't have necessarily been on my mind either..) Though the war does play a big part in Vivians life as the book goes on.

City of Girls has an array of characters that you would only expect to find in a theatre/playhouse in 1940's NYC. Sexually free of judgement and drinking anything available. Dancing until sun up, living in a hazy dream.

We hear the story told through the words of an older (much older) Vivian, she's still every bit of a much loved character as she grows and reflects on her life. Though there are parts of the spoilt character in which I couldn't relate and didn't want to either!

The story takes us right through Vivians life. Every up and down. I couldn't leave the book alone!

The very last line of the book gave a lump in my throat as I turned the page - it was full of love.  I would recommend to each of you.


Though her younger years were much more exciting to me to read, I really enjoyed City of Girls. I immersed myself into the setting and imaged what life may have been like for these girls. I couldn't wait to turn the page and see what happened next!

Though fun at times, there were realities and vulnerabilities that were shown in the book. Gilbert did not shy away from reality which, to me, made the book more believable and readable.

CLICK HERE for a link to buy City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert.

"City of Girls is about daring to break conventions and follow your desires."

Thanks for coming by and reading my review! I hope you are all well and staying safe.

Speak soon

Love George

Monday, June 22, 2020

June New Moon

Happy Monday Guys and Dolls!

Here's to a sunny week for us all

The weekend was full of high energy with a New Moon, Solar Eclipse and the Summer Solstice. How blessed are we to be able to celebrate such things!?

Not that I make a big song and dance - quite the opposite. I give time to myself to meditate and make intentions.

To journal my thoughts, I use Nikki Strange's Luna Diary which gives me lovely prompts throughout the month for each phase of the moon cycle.

This month:

I continue my focus on patience.

I keep grounding and relaxing through stressful thoughts.

I am creative in everything I do.

I have loved being outside and listening to the Summer noise in the meadows (despite my hay-fever trying to ruin me!!)

I'm listening to lots of informative podcasts to extend my learning. I'm also listening to playlists on Spotify that I haven't come across in a very long time.

I visualise pink light coming from my heart in meditation for self-love.

I continually visualise my future home - what we plan to do and how we can be creative in making the place our own.


Rainbow Quartz for balance.

Rose Quartz for love.

Fluorite for focus.

I am creative and take inspiration from every part of my life. I will continue my creative path as an aid to my patience in this time.

Patience may take practice, but leads to great things. I am a patient person.

I hope you are all well and made some intentions in this New Moon also.

Stay safe and well!

Speak soon,

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

May Sketchbook

Hi gang

Not as many sketches this month but I'm so chuffed with what I've done! (If you follow me on Instagram you will have had a sneaky peak to these in the last few weeks).

I went to Pinterest and got my references from there and I'm really pleased. It just shows what I can do with a bit of concentration and a referral image.

I have concentrated on animals - I love the variety in colour.

Below we have a Bulldog, Dalmatian, Boxer and white cat. (The Bulldog is my fave!!)

I may extend to people soon, or landscapes, but for now I am happy with my progress and use of coloured pencils and water colour.

I hope you are all safe and well. I hope you are all educating yourselves on what is right.

Lots of love

Speak soon

Saturday, June 6, 2020

June Strawberry Full Moon

Hi angels! I hope you're all keeping safe and well.

During the full moon last night I charged my crystals and reflected today on the last month.

I use Nikki Strange's Luna Diary as my planner, it gives me lovely prompts throughout the month for each phase of the moon cycle.

I continue to be patient and mindful of myself, turning any anxiety into excitement for the new house. (It's coming so soon I feel it in my bones!)

I have been listening to lots of calming meditative music before bed and during the day I listen to piano playlists on Spotify.

Lavender is perfect to help me relax on an evening. I pop a couple drops of Lavender essential oil onto my pillow on an evening to help me drift into a sleep.

The crystals I gravitated towards during yesterday's moon were the usual suspects for me: - Fluorite, Amethyst and Rose Quartz. These are forever by my side.

From my bed I look out in the late evening to the sky. The past couple of weeks have brought beautiful Summer colours to inspire me.

I enjoy sketching still, progressing on my animal images where I can.

In light of recent events, I'm continuing to educate myself on American history. This is something I studied at university and will continue to study.

I am forever patient.
I am full of love and hope for the future.
I am willing to learn and grow to be the best person I can be.

We love, grow and learn together.

What have you reflected in this Full Strawberry Moon? Wasn't it a beautiful sight last night..

Stay safe and take care.

Speak Soon,

Thursday, June 4, 2020

June Bullet Journal

Hi guys! I hope you’re all super well and have been enjoying the sunshine this past week - it’s been beautiful! I’m not a Summer gal really, but I’ve managed to sit out and get some colour on my pale self.

I cannot believe it is June already?! Where is time going, this year is flying by.

I’ve still been enjoying my sketching and bullet journaling weekly as a bit of me time. I’m so chuffed with my progress I’ve been making in my sketchbook! (Sneak peaks on my Instagram but a full blog post coming next week!) 

For my June bujo spread I continued my sketching. I drew (to the best of my ability) a raccoon. Not the best outcome but I’m still pretty pleased with the results! I’m going to try drawing this raccoon again to practise the whispy hairs a little better.

I’ve gone for a green theme for June, I did my mood and habit tracker too using stickers from my Erin Condren and a bullet journal sticker book I got in Amsterdam. Simple spreads to serve their purpose.

What spreads have you done for the month of June? I’d love to know and have some inspiration!

Take care and stay safe!

Speak soon