
Monday, June 4, 2018

Evening Affirmations

I found it difficult to choose affirmations.

I wanted to make sure they were right and realistic for me.

After going on Pinterest and Google I managed to find a few which I thought were perfect.


The three I chose for my evening affirmations are:

I choose peace;

I am grateful;

Tomorrow is a new day full of possibilities.


They are simple, they meant exactly what they say on the tin. They ground me and allow me to concentrate on the now.

With the first two I can add messages onto the end that may relate to the day, the week or the month. For example, I am grateful, for my family. I and grateful for the sun and nice weather. I am grateful for taking control and being me.

I am grateful for everything but sometimes it is just nice to focus on one thing before sleep.


I am trying to remember to say my affirmations daily before I sleep.

I look out of my window and say each one between deep breaths so I can concentrate on what I am saying. With each out breath I imagine any stresses or bad thoughts of the day leaving my body and with each in breath it calms me almost like I'm about to meditate.

It's lovely to reflect.


Enjoy your evenings. And look out for blog posts every Sunday with a few in-between.



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